Reabilitação de um apartamento na Lapa, tendo-se optado pela recuperação dos materiais originais da casa, como o soalho de pinho e os tectos trabalhados. A cozinha e instalações sanitárias foram reconfiguradas, de modo a conseguir um melhor aproveitamento de espaço e aumentar a zona de varanda, recorrendo também ao uso de materiais nacionais como o mosaico hidráulico, o azulejo biselado e a pedra mármore.
Data: 2016
Local: Lapa, Lisboa, PORTUGAL
Apartment rehabilitation in Lapa, which focused on the house's original materials recovery, such as the pine wooden floor and ornamented ceilings. The kitchen and sanitary installations were reconfigured in order to achieve a more suitable space arrangement and to increase the balcony area that was designed having in mind national materials, such as hydraulic mosaic, bevelled tile and marble stone.
Date: 2016
Place: Lapa, Lisbon, PORTUGAL
Data: 2016
Local: Lapa, Lisboa, PORTUGAL
Apartment rehabilitation in Lapa, which focused on the house's original materials recovery, such as the pine wooden floor and ornamented ceilings. The kitchen and sanitary installations were reconfigured in order to achieve a more suitable space arrangement and to increase the balcony area that was designed having in mind national materials, such as hydraulic mosaic, bevelled tile and marble stone.
Date: 2016
Place: Lapa, Lisbon, PORTUGAL