Reabilitação de uma casa do sec. XIX em São Bento, optou-se realçar e restaurar os elementos originais da casa como os tectos trabalhados, as portadas de madeira, as portas duplas interiores com bandeira em vidro ou o soalho de madeira. A par com a reformulação da distribuição funcional introduziram-se novos materiais na linha da traça existente, como bancadas em lioz e mármore ou puxadores de torniquete.
Data: 2021
Local: São Bento, Lisboa, PORTUGAL
Rehabilitation of an 19th century house in São Bento, which focused on the house's original materials recovery, such as the paster ceiling, wooden shutters, double interior doors and pine wooden floors. Along with the reformulation of the functional distribution, new materials were introduced in the line with the existing elements, such as limestone and marble countertops or tourniquet handles.
Date: 2021
Place: São Bento, Lisbon, PORTUGAL
Data: 2021
Local: São Bento, Lisboa, PORTUGAL
Rehabilitation of an 19th century house in São Bento, which focused on the house's original materials recovery, such as the paster ceiling, wooden shutters, double interior doors and pine wooden floors. Along with the reformulation of the functional distribution, new materials were introduced in the line with the existing elements, such as limestone and marble countertops or tourniquet handles.
Date: 2021
Place: São Bento, Lisbon, PORTUGAL